Released in 2009, the film Prayers for Bobby tells the story of a mother's journey from lack of understanding to acceptance of homosexuality. It is a very controversial film that presents this poignant issue in an artistic form.
In the film, Bobby is a genius with great writing skills, he has a blissful family and friends who love him. But all these changed because of his sexuality. In the final moments of his suicide, countless images flash through his mind, bits and pieces of his past, his hesitation and helplessness, and finally he stops at his mother's firm words "I don't have a gay son" and he despairs, jumping to end his short life.
This movie is a microcosm of thousands of gay families in this world, who are just as unfortunate as Bobby, but also lucky. At the same time, more people choose to compromise because of factors such as family and society, and start the life of a so-called "normal" person like getting married and having children.
As a line in a film,“god loves me as what I am”, the best time to let go of prejudice and embrace coexistence is now.
Author: TT Gong
Reviewed & Revised & Published & Typeset by Lyn Liu